21 April 2009

Not What Everyone Wants To Hear From CCSU Campus 10 Years after Columbine

"Gun fight at CCSU" blares today's front-page headline in the New Britain Herald.

The story by Jennifer Abel reports on CCSU's Riflery and Marksmanship Club joining a national "Empty Holster Protest" that advocates for the right of students to bear arms on the campus. The protest springs from a national group calling itself "Students for Concealed Carry on Campus".

The student club's president, Sara Adler, said she didn't know why the national group picked April 20th to launch a campaign for students to be allowed to pack a revolver for personal protection. "They didn't choose last week because it was the anniversary of Virginia Tech," said Ms. Adler, referring to the deadliest school shootings in history. Timing must be everything. Instead, the arms on campus protest was launched on the 10th anniversary of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre. There was no official reaction from CCSU about the protest.

The good news is that CCSU is likely to remain a gun free zone and the Riflery and Marksmanship Club are taking their protest to a shooting range off campus Saturday.